Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First Post...

Just tidying up a few items on the Blog before my writings go live; I plan to expand upon this site as we progress through 2009, so feel free to chime-in and leave your comments. I will most likely move from this location as things evolve, but it will remain intact as the Blog is powered by RSS, which means that I’ll be able to port it to a bigger platform eventually.

For now, I wanted something that would be simple enough for all of us and most importantly, functional. If you have any problems using the Blog, just let me know. I don’t know how Mobile compatible this site is since it is a free service (provided by Blogger) but if it looks good in your iPhones or Blackberries then let me know; I’m interested to know if it can be seen from cell-browsers.

I’ll post again shortly.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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