Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't drink the Kool-Aid, drink the orange flavored potion instead...

It has the calcium and potassium to a better life, we promise (kind of)...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Forget about it...

Seriously (unless you're hard-headed, in which case please, keep trying)...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Where are you hiding?

Come out, come out, wherever you is...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Okay, almost relax time!

Kinks are getting worked out of software, then relax time!

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Regardless of pollution, the smell of war and fireworks is fine...

It's in my blood...And maybe yours too........

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

And for later, melow Def Lep...

When I'm able to chill later, some rocka ballada...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Jamming out to some Def Lep...

Getting ready for some fun time so hence, mood music...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Regardless, I've got my Sparklers ready!

They can say what they want, I've got mine...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Well, I will breathe now...

The world obviously becomes more empirical and fascist, and I like mild forms of fascism, in the sense of how the old school version of gate keeping kept more good in the mixes of books, music, games rather than crap. Even movies come out as produced by one mechanism and that's saying something. Even the B-movies of Segal and Van Damn it were cool and touched us with the sincerity of trying to be fun.
Sparklers are illegal...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

And Pokemon promotes gang violence...

Sitting around, thinking of how much I must now fear the Sparkler,
I've come to the conclusion that Pokemon card tournaments must then be
a promotion of street hustling and all that. If Sparklers are life
threatening then all these things we do for fun must some how be an
enhancing of thug life, or some version of gang violence.

Remember "Boyz in the Hood"?

"Try Menace 2 the Library"!

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Seriously, do you fear the Sparkler?

I kind of can't get over the strangeness, but I will, and I will
probably be dead or on my death bed at that time. So seriously, do you
fear the Sparkler?

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

It turns out that Sparklers are illegal, so next, lighters will be too...

The 4th of July is the grand celebration of war and carnage (and the
sounds of war and carnage) but, now they say "Sparklers are illegal"
and I say "Fuh-uh-ck", I mean, since when is this something that
beyond the completely clueless child, since when is this something
that is so life threatening, we must be afraid?

Do you fear the Sparkler?

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Friday, July 2, 2010

I need a shoutout from my Pokemon Leaguers...

Where are you all at? Leave me a comment (or a like, or a link)...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Where are all the Virginia people's at?

I was hoping that no one got too caught up in reality, stay here with
me in the fantasy - Relaxing for the moment, no bizness to do or
anything like that - So what are you up to?

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

On Facebook, Out of all the crazy little games and apps people play, which is your fave?

Before I say more, anyone who says "-insert app here- is my BFF" gets
the Double Dare Slime -- Seriously, which is your favorite? Between
treasure hunting and being in the mob, every1 has their bag of Tea;
now, if we can just get that full on WW2 simulator app invented where
I can dominate the world via the cunning use of Flags and Submarines,
that would be awesome!

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Waiting to exhale...

Now that I have a moment, I'm daring to breathe...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

To the guy that asked why...

What? It wasn't clear? It doesn't matter why, the only thing that
maters is that you stop asking and start figuring things out for
yourself. If you have any inkling that why is a valid question, just
look around you. Today's world is one big question "why". And not just
because of the bad things either. Even the good things are making most
of us ask "why" these days. Why don't we all just turn around and ask
you "why"?

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Kids aren't thinking enough about futures anymore...

That's how it feels sometimes. It isn't a complaint (not really),
seeing as how a lot of corporate culture took away the organic
assortments of interactive entertainment. Computers and social
profiles can never replace what we had from 75 to 91 (1900s), only the
memory and further modernization will dry up at some point, but I
won't dry up. I'm hard headed and know a great thing when it is around
me, around all of us.

There are many, many things that are still close to that forgotten spirit.

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Okay, Now, Sponge Bob can almost have a Grammy nom...

It isn't every day that a cartoon figure head becomes a rock icon
(even if only for a moment).

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

The only way to understand Church and Religion as only Richard Jeni could explain it...

There comes a time in a person's life when all must be explained by
none other than, Richard Jeni (R.I.P.), you're missed...

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

I think I'm getting my groove on now (thank God), but technoogy can shove it when it acts up, in natural we trust...

I was finishing up with some learning curves when it occurred to me
that technology is a spoiled brat. Not always, but when it gets into a
snit, forget it. Sorting through everything though, I feel better
about how to get things rolling. I couldn't believe how exhausted I
was to just type the word "the".

So now, I move on with the hopes that the tech shit won't boggle me
down (and I think it won't).

I'm actually still exhausted but am panning out my day with thoughts
of higher existence, a utopia of cool breezy beaches filled with
bitches (male bitches) and all the Tea and Wine my body can physically

Yeah, I'll explode (or maybe implode) like a character from a Stephen
King novel.

Where's your head at?

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)