Monday, June 28, 2010

Just Caught Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Anyone Played It Yet?)

There are plenty of times where I feel like I've been under a rock, and you would think that I'd know about all things Nintendo being a Mom but, it would appear that there is a "Super Mario Galaxy 2" video-game, and it is for Wii I presume.
It is hard enough keeping up with everything DS but now, I guess Nintendo is getting back to the large-console circle. It would be nice to see another retro styled Mario release but, I'll take this for now.
Has anyone played it yet?

Posted via email from jangerstein's posterous


Mark Zundehl said...

I think it is excellent!

Barb Sorenson said...

I love the story on this blog, the earlier post!

Kyle said...

Eh, it's okay, maybe not as good as New super Mario Bros., or the original.

Steve Ponce said...

I've been following Kuneo Koei's Road Avenger Novel news, knw anything else yet?

Chris T. said...

I don't think she'd know or say much if she manages other aspects. But if you do, do tell! PLEASE!!

Cory said...

SMBG2 R0x0rz! Heh.

Jay said...

Yeah, it's good!