Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Okay, maybe it is just being a punk?


Good morning, good afternoon, good night! (I'll be here all week). Thank you!

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Contact Info (Add Me Now)

Hey guys,

You’ve probably noticed that I’m adding a few new ways to contact me
etc. While most things are almost setup, I wanted to let all of you
get a head start in adding me to any networks you might be on ala
Facebook, Twitter, Blogger (BlogSpot).

Nothing too technical will be happening, so you can always just come
to my blogs and leave a comment if that’s easiest, but do keep in
touch with me (I’m really looking forward to it).

So, feel free to add me anywhere you deem fit.

Posted via email from Juanita Angerstein (Clevenger)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Just Caught Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Anyone Played It Yet?)

There are plenty of times where I feel like I've been under a rock, and you would think that I'd know about all things Nintendo being a Mom but, it would appear that there is a "Super Mario Galaxy 2" video-game, and it is for Wii I presume.
It is hard enough keeping up with everything DS but now, I guess Nintendo is getting back to the large-console circle. It would be nice to see another retro styled Mario release but, I'll take this for now.
Has anyone played it yet?

Posted via email from jangerstein's posterous