Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back in, or back out?


Now it is time to try and get this rolling again.

I’d lost some focus, mostly due to my over analyzing of some things happening in life, but the truth is, writing takes me to a place where I feel more intact, rather than fragmented. But true also, a Blog is a consuming mile away from a lot of things that we’ll say should be done, rather than.

So to that end, I’ll agree to view this as nothing more but an aspiring ‘way back in’…

Let me know what you’re up to.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What is everything really like?

I’ve been a tad busier than usual, but I’m just about ready to post my next story.

With America feeling tucked behind its once upheld values, I’d been pondering the ‘other-worldly’, contemplating if other life-forms would really be all that different from us (in terms of evolution and understanding).

I can see alien-beings looking down on us, wondering why we are dragging on our extinction.

On the other hand, would they be all that different from us in terms of compassion or reference?